Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Audio Challenge - 2016 wrap up

2016 was a big year for audio reads. Thanks to my local library system having audio books that I can borrow on Overdrive, I am able to listen to audio books on my devices in addition to the ones I listen to in the car.

The total was 41 audio books - a couple of them being radio plays, which is something different but enjoyable.

One thing I realised I didn't keep track of was the narrator. Some are better than others I've discovered over the years. Stephen Fry is a favourite. His reading of the Harry Potter series has brought another dimension to the stories.

Classics like Sherlock Holmes lend itself to be listened to. P.G. Wodehouse seems to be the same.

To see the full list of my audio reads for 2016, click here.

I'm looking forward to hearing more stories in 2017.

Happy Listening!

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